Friday, February 11, 2011

Giving a Counter-Culture idea a Try

So we're all worried about the environment right? Well I hope we all are because this weather sucks and I blame the 80's for it's use of aerosol hairspray causing a hole in the ozone layer :-) But in all seriousness there are a lot of things one can do to reduce their carbon footprint.

I try to recycle, turn lights off when I leave the room, do full loads of laundry etc etc. But one thing I've never really embraced is the showering less/using alternative products movement. And quite honestly this new showering routine I'll touch on has nothing to do with the environment.

I have gotten so sick of buying expensive hair products and never being fully satisfied with the finished product. So after doing very little research,  I came across a blog simplemom where she discussed her use, or lack there of, shampoo/conditioner.  So after months of revisiting said website I decided "hell why not!"

Today was day one of going "poo-free" and I would be lying if I said I loved it. My hair is already a little oily and although it looks clean it feels heavy and it's not as shiny as it is when I use the usual suspects.  But as all of my reading mentioned, it takes a little while for your hair to get back to whatever its supposed to be like. Three days seems like a good enough amount of time to decide if this is what I want, and once I figure out how to upload pictures I'll add examples of what my head is looking like right now lol

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